According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is an estimated total of 3,960 fatal drownings and 8,080 nonfatal drownings per year in the United States [“Drowning Facts | Drowning Prevention | CDC” 2021]. Drowning is most common in children but affects all age groups. Ability Fitnessstrives to prepare children and adults by building endurance, developing stroke technique, and teaching water safety.
Children aged 1-4 years old are at the highest risk of drowning
Most child drownings occur in pools owned by family or friends. Children aged 5-17 are more likely to drown in lakes, rivers, and other natural waters. Austistic children are 160 more times likely to drown fatally and non-fatally compared to other groups [“Drowning Prevention & Facts” 2018].
Children who participate in formal training lessons can greatly reduce their chances of drowning
The Stop Drowning Now organization has estimated that formal swim training reduces the risk of drowning by 88% in children [“Facts & Stats about Drowning - Stop Drowning Now” 2018]. By learning swim skills early, an individual can greatly reduce their risk of drowning over a lifetime.
We are experts in the field!
Overall, it is important to be prepared for drowning by formally learning swimming and water safety skills. We offer swimming lessons for both children and adults. For children ages 2 and under, we offer 30 minute sessions. For older children and adults, we offer 45 minute sessions and advanced 1 hour swim lessons. To book with us, please visit the services tab at the top of our website's home page.
